Unveiling Journeys: The Chronicles of My Life

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I’ve had humble beginnings, see timeline below, but when I started to believe in myself & following my purpose is when everything changed for me.

Once a soul-searcher yearning for deeper meaning, I stumbled into the transformative world of yoga, meditation, and breath-work.

The undeniable shift in my mental and physical well-being felt like discovering a hidden treasure map. I knew I couldn't keep this map to myself; it was a guide to life-altering riches that everyone should experience.

Immersed in years of disciplined training, I've unearthed invaluable gems from ancient practices. These precious insights didn't just deepen my wisdom; they sharpened my skills, turning me into an adept guide for others. Now, I'm here to help you navigate your own quest, offering keys to doors you didn't even know existed.

Committed to creating safe and sacred spaces, I enable life-changing experiences that go beyond mere existence to a realm of profound possibility. We all yearn for transformation, for that spark to reignite our spirits. So, are you ready to join me on this incredible journey and reignite your own divine spark? (Check out bookretreats.com for more retreats)

II meticulously guide students through each pose, emphasizing accurate alignment and safety above all else. However, my teaching goes beyond the mere physicality of yoga; I also enrich each session with elements of mindfulness and introspection, creating a holistic experience for all.

My teaching approach goes beyond mere physical exercise; it's an integrative journey that enriches body, mind, and spirit.

In a world fraught with division, I aim to demonstrate how a single person's passion for yoga can serve as a catalyst for positive transformation and unity.

Keep this thing in mind -

You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

Inhale possibility, exhale doubt.

Let your breath guide your journey within, as you find strength, balance, and peace with every breath. Through the flow of breath and the embrace of poses, yoga unveils the strength within. With each breath to movement, we reach for both tranquility and vitality, crafting a symphony of body, mind, and soul

— David Jiemenez.

My life on a Timeline…

Broke the chains of my coorporated bussines and sold my company to pursue my purpose, booked a flight with no return and trusted in myself and the divine plan the universe had for me.

My Journey started

2015 - 2016

With the alignment of connections and places, i successfully completed my first yoga teacher training and became a certified yoga teacher with the intention of deepening into the vision of sharing my gift to the world.

Leaned into myself


As i traveled for the first time outside of my country, curiosity led my into finding a unique way of connection through yoga and community.

Deepened into my Purpose

A really tough season for me, my father passed away.


The fast paced lifestyle of the city and unhealthy habits showed me how fast life can be consumed if proper self care and healthy habits are not implemented. This is where I decided to prioritize myself and delve into the holistic lifestyle.

Mentored and led 50 + men circles and created a conscious community.

Noticed that a paradigm shift was occurring, recognizing the significance of men who actively engage in self-reflection, emotional intelligence, and social responsibility. i started to help healthy masculine and conscious men understand the importance of nurturing their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


Following my heart and pouring my soul into the inner work that I am constantly doing, I completed another 2 Yoga trainings to go even deeper into the understanding of the philosophy and methodology of this science and art form.

Expansion happened



Along dear teachers, friends and partners I successfully hosted over 8 self discovery retreats in the most beautiful and empowering locations of North , Central and South America,.

Hosted over 8 self develoment and transformational retreats

After years of working closely with great teachers, collaborating with people and creating new experiences off the records of what the typicall retreat looks like. I launched a new vision / collective where we create a space to re-connect between humans and nature - bringing us back to our roots through living in reciprocity with the eart

Launched Inlakesh Collective


2023 - present

Let's be honest: If I've managed to find my way, you can absolutely do the same. Whether you're seeking an exploratory discussion or simply need a boost of motivation, don't hesitate to contact me. Trust me, there's no fundamental difference between us; we're both complex arrangements of the same basic elements that make up everything in this universe. So if I can do it, so can you.

You already possess an innate wisdom; it's just that sometimes we forget it's there. That's where I come in—to help you rediscover your inner divinity and guide you back to your authentic self, free from self-imposed limitations. (You can also find me on BookRetreats.com. )

Certified Yoga instructor 500 + hrs by Yoga Alliance

Talk to me

If you have curiosity, you're already on the other side. One of the greatest opportunities on this path you are presented here and now, it is up to you whether you take the risk or prefer to remain in the comfort of modern society.